An account at Gardiner Federal Credit Union is much more than just a number and a place to put your paycheck. An account at the credit union means you are now a part owner of the credit union and we think you should be treated as such. Unlike a bank, there are no highly paid stockholders at the top of the food chain. Any profit we make above our expenses goes back to you.
Our Board of Directors is formed by volunteers that are elected directly from our membership. By having an account at the credit union you are able to vote for board members that you believe share your vision for the credit union and your money. You can even apply to be elected to the board! As a member of Gardiner Federal Credit Union you have the power and voice to tell us what you want to see from YOUR credit union.
Membership Qualifications
No appointment is needed to open an account. You qualify for membership if you live, work, worship or attend school in Kennebec County, Lincoln County, or the towns of Richmond and Palermo. Also included are employees of Gardiner Federal Credit Union, and members of their immediate family or household, volunteers in the community, organizations of people, businesses or other legal entities in Kennebec and Lincoln County and the towns of Richmond and Palermo.
Member Benefits
Credit union membership is generally grouped under a common bond. This common bond unites credit union members and creates a feeling of “people helping people.” Most credit unions are sponsored by companies, churches, fraternal organizations or other groups with similar interests.
Credit unions also exist for members of communities or neighborhoods. Many credit unions also offer membership to families of current members and select employee groups. Contact Gardiner Federal Credit Union today to learn how to become a member!
What Documentation Do I Need, To Open an Account?
Please Feel Free to Contact us.
Telephone: 1-800-464-2425 or (207) 582-2676
Office Location:
420 Brunswick Avenue
Gardiner, Maine 04345
Mailing Address:
420 Brunswick Avenue
Gardiner, Maine 04345