By submitting this application, you agree that everything stated in this application is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. The Credit Union or its agent is authorized to investigate your credit worthiness, employment history, and to obtain a credit report and to answer questions about their credit history with you. You understand that any false or misleading statements in your application may cause any loan to be in default. You agree that this application shall be the Credit Union’s property whether or not this Credit Application is approved. You agree to fully insure any collateral offered against loss and damage. You may obtain this insurance through any insurance company of your choice, unless the Credit Union, for good cause, refuses to accept it.
NOTICE: Consumer Reports (credit reports) may be obtained in connection with this application. If you request, (1) You will be informed whether or not consumer reports were obtained; (2) If reports were obtained, you will be informed of the names and addresses of the consumer reporting agencies (credit bureaus) that furnished the reports.
Please Note: All information submitted through Gardiner Federal Credit Union’s web site is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology.