Applications are now OPEN for GFCU SCHOLARSHIPS

The deadline to apply for 2025 SCHOLARSHIPS is Friday, May 2nd, 2025.

All applications must be submitted online.

Gardiner Federal Credit Union will be granting a total of $5,000.00 in scholarships* to 4
deserving students pursuing post-secondary education or Graduate Degrees.

All completed applications will be reviewed by the GFCU Scholarship Committee
and the selected recipient(s) will be notified by mid-May, 2025.
Scholarships open to members and non-members. Non-members must qualify for membership,
by living, 
working, worshiping or going to school within our field of membership.
GFCU’s field of membership includes Kennebec and Lincoln Counties 
and the towns of Richmond and Palermo.

* Scholarships checks are primarily issued to the school book store, but may also be used for tuition. Checks are valid for six months only. Scholarship awards valid for one year only. Students awarded scholarships, who do not attend college within that first year, must attend the following fall semester or forfeit their scholarship.

Scholarship Application 2024-2025

  • Personal Information

    Please fill out the fields below
  • Address

    Enter your Address
  • Education

  • Enter the High School where you are currently enrolled or have graduated from.
  • Please give the year you expect to graduate or the year you did graduate from high school.
  • Please type the name of the college you are planning to attend.
  • Please type the total number of volunteer hours completed during high school.
  • Extracurricular Activities


    APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE BOTH ESSAYS AND EACH ESSAY MUST BE BETWEEN 300 - 600 WORDS, IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED. *Please do not identify yourself, by including your name or family names, in your essays. Applicants' identities are hidden during the selection process.
    • 1. The field of study you are pursuing
    • 2. Your reason for selecting this field
    • 3. Why you chose this school
    • 4. What you hope to do with your education
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.